Healthy Start
The Healthy Start program addresses sleep-disordered breathing in children by guiding proper jaw and airway development. This early intervention can help improve breathing patterns, reduce snoring, and prevent future dental and sleep issues, promoting better overall health.
These are some common symptoms of sleep disorder breathing:
Mouth Breathing, snoring and teeth grinding
Poor performance in school
Nightmares and restless sleep
Chronic allergies, eczema and asthma
Swollen tonsils or adenoids
Irritability, anger, depression
These are some common symptoms of sleep disorder breathing:
Mouth Breathing, snoring and teeth grinding
Poor performance in school
Nightmares and restless sleep
Chronic allergies, eczema and asthma
Swollen tonsils or adenoids
Irritability, anger, depression
These are some common symptoms of sleep disorder breathing:
Mouth Breathing, snoring and teeth grinding
Poor performance in school
Nightmares and restless sleep
Chronic allergies, eczema and asthma
Swollen tonsils or adenoids
Irritability, anger, depression

Benefits of using Healthy Start System
Promotes proper facial development
full correction within 2 – 12 months
Easy to clean removable appliances
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB)?
Without proper tongue placement when sleeping, the jaw drops back and takes the tongue with it leading to a constriction in the air way while sleeping. This compromises the amount of oxygen reaching the brain while sleeping, which leads to snoring, swollen tonsils or adenoids, tooth decay, bed wetting, restless sleep, delayed or arrested growth, chronic allergies, eczema, asthma, depression, headaches, and the appearance of ADD/ADHD type of behaviour. SDB is also tied by research to crooked and crowded teeth, deep bites, nighttime grinding (nocturnal bruxism), narrow palates, arrested growth and development of the jaws.
What is Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB)?
Without proper tongue placement when sleeping, the jaw drops back and takes the tongue with it leading to a constriction in the air way while sleeping. This compromises the amount of oxygen reaching the brain while sleeping, which leads to snoring, swollen tonsils or adenoids, tooth decay, bed wetting, restless sleep, delayed or arrested growth, chronic allergies, eczema, asthma, depression, headaches, and the appearance of ADD/ADHD type of behaviour. SDB is also tied by research to crooked and crowded teeth, deep bites, nighttime grinding (nocturnal bruxism), narrow palates, arrested growth and development of the jaws.
What is Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB)?
Without proper tongue placement when sleeping, the jaw drops back and takes the tongue with it leading to a constriction in the air way while sleeping. This compromises the amount of oxygen reaching the brain while sleeping, which leads to snoring, swollen tonsils or adenoids, tooth decay, bed wetting, restless sleep, delayed or arrested growth, chronic allergies, eczema, asthma, depression, headaches, and the appearance of ADD/ADHD type of behaviour. SDB is also tied by research to crooked and crowded teeth, deep bites, nighttime grinding (nocturnal bruxism), narrow palates, arrested growth and development of the jaws.
What are the Causes of SDB?
Weak tongue and oral muscles can develop due to a soft or processed diet. Poor oral habits, such as thumb-sucking, pacifier use, or tongue thrusting, can also contribute to these issues. Limited or no breastfeeding may lead to underdeveloped dental arches and jaws. Airway obstruction, which may cause snoring ranging from mild to loud, can sometimes lead to episodes where the child stops breathing and wakes up gasping for air throughout the night. Other contributing factors include enlarged adenoids or tonsils, fat deposits in the neck area of overweight children, and neuromuscular conditions like cerebral palsy, all of which can further restrict the airway.
What are the Causes of SDB?
Weak tongue and oral muscles can develop due to a soft or processed diet. Poor oral habits, such as thumb-sucking, pacifier use, or tongue thrusting, can also contribute to these issues. Limited or no breastfeeding may lead to underdeveloped dental arches and jaws. Airway obstruction, which may cause snoring ranging from mild to loud, can sometimes lead to episodes where the child stops breathing and wakes up gasping for air throughout the night. Other contributing factors include enlarged adenoids or tonsils, fat deposits in the neck area of overweight children, and neuromuscular conditions like cerebral palsy, all of which can further restrict the airway.
What are the Causes of SDB?
Weak tongue and oral muscles can develop due to a soft or processed diet. Poor oral habits, such as thumb-sucking, pacifier use, or tongue thrusting, can also contribute to these issues. Limited or no breastfeeding may lead to underdeveloped dental arches and jaws. Airway obstruction, which may cause snoring ranging from mild to loud, can sometimes lead to episodes where the child stops breathing and wakes up gasping for air throughout the night. Other contributing factors include enlarged adenoids or tonsils, fat deposits in the neck area of overweight children, and neuromuscular conditions like cerebral palsy, all of which can further restrict the airway.
What is HealthyStart ?
The HealthyStart™ System helps in promoting the proper growth and development of the jaw and airway optimizing the airflow and promoting proper nasal breathing while straightening your child's teeth. As these areas develop many of the symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing disappear. When kids can breathe properly, they can begin to learn, grow, and blossom into their true potential. The HealthyStart™ System is a group of removable appliances resembling night guards that the child wears during his sleep it aids in the correct growth and alignment of the lower jaw, expanding the arches to ensure incoming permanent teeth have enough room to erupt in straight and develop proper oral habits. The HealthyStart™ System works with the natural forces of tooth eruption. The soft, comfortable, removable devices gently guide the erupting teeth into their perfect positions it guides the growth of the orofacial system and teeth eruption into their healthy positions.
What is HealthyStart ?
The HealthyStart™ System helps in promoting the proper growth and development of the jaw and airway optimizing the airflow and promoting proper nasal breathing while straightening your child's teeth. As these areas develop many of the symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing disappear. When kids can breathe properly, they can begin to learn, grow, and blossom into their true potential. The HealthyStart™ System is a group of removable appliances resembling night guards that the child wears during his sleep it aids in the correct growth and alignment of the lower jaw, expanding the arches to ensure incoming permanent teeth have enough room to erupt in straight and develop proper oral habits. The HealthyStart™ System works with the natural forces of tooth eruption. The soft, comfortable, removable devices gently guide the erupting teeth into their perfect positions it guides the growth of the orofacial system and teeth eruption into their healthy positions.
What is HealthyStart ?
The HealthyStart™ System helps in promoting the proper growth and development of the jaw and airway optimizing the airflow and promoting proper nasal breathing while straightening your child's teeth. As these areas develop many of the symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing disappear. When kids can breathe properly, they can begin to learn, grow, and blossom into their true potential. The HealthyStart™ System is a group of removable appliances resembling night guards that the child wears during his sleep it aids in the correct growth and alignment of the lower jaw, expanding the arches to ensure incoming permanent teeth have enough room to erupt in straight and develop proper oral habits. The HealthyStart™ System works with the natural forces of tooth eruption. The soft, comfortable, removable devices gently guide the erupting teeth into their perfect positions it guides the growth of the orofacial system and teeth eruption into their healthy positions.
How Does the HealthyStart Work?
The HealthyStart™ System helps in promoting the proper growth and development of the jaw and airway optimizing the airflow and promoting proper nasal breathing while straightening your child's teeth. As these areas develop many of the symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing disappear. When kids can breathe properly, they can begin to learn, grow, and blossom into their true potential. The HealthyStart™ System is a group of removable appliances resembling night guards that the child wears during his sleep it aids in the correct growth and alignment of the lower jaw, expanding the arches to ensure incoming permanent teeth have enough room to erupt in straight and develop proper oral habits. The HealthyStart™ System works with the natural forces of tooth eruption. The soft, comfortable, removable devices gently guide the erupting teeth into their perfect positions it guides the growth of the orofacial system and teeth eruption into their healthy positions.
How Does the HealthyStart Work?
The HealthyStart™ System helps in promoting the proper growth and development of the jaw and airway optimizing the airflow and promoting proper nasal breathing while straightening your child's teeth. As these areas develop many of the symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing disappear. When kids can breathe properly, they can begin to learn, grow, and blossom into their true potential. The HealthyStart™ System is a group of removable appliances resembling night guards that the child wears during his sleep it aids in the correct growth and alignment of the lower jaw, expanding the arches to ensure incoming permanent teeth have enough room to erupt in straight and develop proper oral habits. The HealthyStart™ System works with the natural forces of tooth eruption. The soft, comfortable, removable devices gently guide the erupting teeth into their perfect positions it guides the growth of the orofacial system and teeth eruption into their healthy positions.
How Does the HealthyStart Work?
The HealthyStart™ System helps in promoting the proper growth and development of the jaw and airway optimizing the airflow and promoting proper nasal breathing while straightening your child's teeth. As these areas develop many of the symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing disappear. When kids can breathe properly, they can begin to learn, grow, and blossom into their true potential. The HealthyStart™ System is a group of removable appliances resembling night guards that the child wears during his sleep it aids in the correct growth and alignment of the lower jaw, expanding the arches to ensure incoming permanent teeth have enough room to erupt in straight and develop proper oral habits. The HealthyStart™ System works with the natural forces of tooth eruption. The soft, comfortable, removable devices gently guide the erupting teeth into their perfect positions it guides the growth of the orofacial system and teeth eruption into their healthy positions.
What should you consider?
We start with a comprehensive orthodontic examination, photos, PAN x-ray and a digital scan. We may also advise a CEPH that gives a view of the skeletal structure of the head, jaw and spine.
What should you consider?
We start with a comprehensive orthodontic examination, photos, PAN x-ray and a digital scan. We may also advise a CEPH that gives a view of the skeletal structure of the head, jaw and spine.
What should you consider?
We start with a comprehensive orthodontic examination, photos, PAN x-ray and a digital scan. We may also advise a CEPH that gives a view of the skeletal structure of the head, jaw and spine.
Who is a good candidate for Healty Start?
Most children could benefit from myofunctional orthodontics. If you want to improve your child's growth and development of the head, face and airway it is a great option. Myofunctional orthodontics also aims to treat the root cause of crowded teeth, which means there is less likelihood of relapse (the return of crowding after treatment).
Who is a good candidate for Healty Start?
Most children could benefit from myofunctional orthodontics. If you want to improve your child's growth and development of the head, face and airway it is a great option. Myofunctional orthodontics also aims to treat the root cause of crowded teeth, which means there is less likelihood of relapse (the return of crowding after treatment).
Who is a good candidate for Healty Start?
Most children could benefit from myofunctional orthodontics. If you want to improve your child's growth and development of the head, face and airway it is a great option. Myofunctional orthodontics also aims to treat the root cause of crowded teeth, which means there is less likelihood of relapse (the return of crowding after treatment).
Curious About Healty Start?
Have questions about Healty Start? We’re here to help! Whether you’re wondering if it’s the right fit for you or need more details about the process, our team at Willow West Dental is just a call or email away. Reach out to us, and we’ll happily guide you through everything you need to know for a confident, clear smile!
(519) 836-1077